Do you have a brilliant idea that you would like to implement if you would have at least 5,000 RON? Do you think that this realization would bring a positive change in the lives of quite a few people? Would you like to try out yourself in a good-spirited fundraising project? Well, would you like to know more people from your area? Would it be helpful if your communication and presentation skills would improve a bit?

If your answer is YES, and your idea helps local people, then you should apply for the Donor Circle 2022 community fundraising event.

Who can apply?

  • Non-governmental organizations,
  • Initiative groups,
  • Individuals,

those, who plan to implement their project in this region.

There is no age limit, students and retirees can apply if their project meets the all the requirement.

How can you apply?

  • By submitting the application and the project presentation form.
    The application is available here.
  • A 1 minute with video, in which the applier shares his motivation about why is he working on this project
  • Deadline: March 25th.
    The completed form and the short video must be sent to by midnight.

The Judge

The members of the Charitable Community will evaluate the applications and they will select the 3 wining projects for the Donor Circle.

The Criteria

  • to address to as many people as possible in Odorhei;
  • the change it generates contributes to the development of our region;
  • innovative, creative activity;
  • a clear operational and financial record. The proposed budget is 3,000 to 5,000 RON / project.

Applicants will be notified of the decision of the jury by April 4th, 2022.

The 3 winning projects will enter to the Donor Circle fundraising event, where they will raise funds for their project.

The appliers will also receive professional training.

Good to Know:

  • will the applying team be able to mobilize 10-12 friends, acquaintances, colleagues, sympathizers, supporters who will be able to value the project, and would be happy to attend the Gala Event and support he project with a minimum of 100 RON.
  • 1-2 members of the winning team will be required to attend a few meetings, where they will receive professional help to present their project in a professional way.

The planned projects should be realized between: June 1st. – November 30th, 2022.

How will they receive support?

From the regular donations of the 25 all time supporter, the 3 selected projects will receive a basic grant. In order to reach the target grant, additional support will be raised at the Donor Circle.

In addition to the people invited by the projects, OSCF and the Charitable Community will invite another 40-50 people to the event.

The Gala Event will begin on Thursday, May 12th, 2022, from 6 p.m.