
We would like to build a vibrant and value-conscious community that encourages, accepts and affirms each other.

Strategic goals

  1. To educate young people from the Odorhei region to cope with the daily challenges of life
  2. To develop a welcoming and family-friendly Odorhei
  3. Promoting sustainable development
  4. Building a diverse, active, professionally prepared, transparent and cooperative civil society
  5. Developing the culture of philanthropy in the economic and the private sector
  6. Operating a sustainable, ever-growing, receptive and community friendly organization


The OSCF is an independent local fundraiser and grant-maker NGO, spreading the culture of charity, and building a conscious, responsible, active and creative community through different grants and projects.

Values, principles

  1. Initiative: we act responsible and as an influencer for the community.
  2. Professionalism and innovation: with a well prepared team and Board we offer innovative solutions in collaboration with donors, with the community and with our partners as well.
  3. Transparency and credibility in fund management and in project implementation.
  4. Collaboration: we develop mutually beneficial collaborations between representatives of different sectors to solve community issues.
  5. Apolitical: we strive to keep our independent and objective statute.
  6. Philanthropic Spirit: based on our community’s philanthropic traditions we strive to keep and renew these traditions to build our community’s future.

Board members

Albert Sándor
Márton Zsolt

Sándor Albert

chairman of the board of directors

Zsolt Márton

vice president of the board of directors
Diemer Ltd., director and owner

Kállai Emánuel
Orbán-Varga Zsuzsánna
Pálfi Kinga

Emánuel Kállai

member of the board of directors
marketing specialist

Zsuzsánna Orbán-Varga

member of the board of directors
Varga mézes,

Kinga Pálfi

member of the board of directors
psychologist, project manager

Our Staff

Tófalvi Beáta

Beáta Tófalvi

executiv director

Rozália Csáki

program coordinator

I believe in the power of community and society. At the same time – according to Áron Tamasi – ”We are here in this world to be home.” For me odorhei is the HOME. I’d like if the Community Foundation would promote positive and creative changes in our region; so I associate active people, encourage and help them, to the best of my knowledge.

Csáki Rozália
Toth Eszter

Rita Kolumbán

responsible for grantmaking

Csenge Balogh

communication responsible

Veres Bernadett
Magyari Hunor

Krisztina Jére

administrative and financial officer

Chris Worman

professional consultant

He has been working in the civil sphere for over eight years. Chris took an active role in the Romanian Community Foundations movement and, after setting up the concept with the nationally awarded “2% for Odorhei” campaign, launched the Székelyudvarhely Community Foundation in 2007.

Lukácsi Katalin

Please view the 2021 Annual Report in electronic format, or request a hardcopy by email.

Click here to view reports from previous years in electronic format.


Udvarhely County Mosaic

The Udvarhely County Mosaic publication is more than a photo album, it`s a book about our community and our region. This book was born out of a photo competition, which reveals the community of Odorheiu Secuiesc, accompanied by interesting stories from the site.


With the walking stick through Odorhei

We developed a cultural program aimed to show a less known face of our little town to inhabitants and tourists alike. Every city is full of memories, of human destinies, untold stories, which are shared with you by the guides of our tours, all of them local historians.