Purpose of the tender

Small settlements and village communities far from village centers and state institutions are in many cases disadvantaged. If there is an will to act, a force in the community, then by developing skills, connecting with other communities, people acting, these small communities are capable of miracles.
We want to help the hidden and small village communities of Odorhei microregion to recognize their own situation, resources and take control of their own destiny to be able to recognize problems, challenges that can be solved by themselves, and to work on ideas and peers.

Here’s how to help:

  • we develop skills, competencies and civic knowledge in 6 topics within the framework of professional trainings;
  • we provide continuous professional assistance (mentoring);
  • we contribute (also) with financial contributions to the implementation of the first plans of the communities;
  • networking.

The tender is announced by the INSERT Innovation and Resource Association in cooperation with the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation (SZKA) and the Association of Community Developers (KOFE). By the tender 5 small communities will be selected and an intensive development and cooperation process begins.

Who can apply?

Groups of 3-5 people (eg groups of friends), but also members of smaller NGOs, who:

  • live in hidden, small village communities of Odorhei microregion. Settlements from which you can apply (the list is not exhaustive and not exclusive): Bențid, Forțeni, Firtușu, Ghipeș, Crăciunel, Chinușu, Kobăteni, Nicolești, Morăreni, Rareș, Mujna, Mihăileni, Vârșag want to do for the development of their settlement, their village community,
  • open to learn and committed to implement their common plans,
  • they are happy to engage in such a helpful, collaborative process in which we work more closely with them for a year.
    Preference will be given to applicant groups / organizations that also include young people between the ages of 16 and 35. However, the age limit is not an exclusionary reason.

The applicant group and organization must have at least 3 members who will actively participate in the trainings and undertake to transfer what they have learned there, if the other members of the group will not be able to participate.

How to apply?

The group, non-governmental organization wishing to participate can apply by filling in a form, which must be sent electronically to the e-mail address szka@szka.org by 15 February 2021.

How are applications decided?

The assessment will be done in two stages. In the first round, we will evaluate the submitted application forms. The Promoter and its Partners will evaluate the received applications and the groups that advance in the first round will be invited to a face-to-face meeting and discussion. The final decision will be made after these discussions, which will be notified to the applicants.

For more information, feel free to search:
Csáki Rozália at the following contacts: rozi@szka.org, 0741-655.773
Már István at the following contacts: istvanmar@gmail.com, 0735-524.771

Project carried out by