We start a new series of interviews to presents some local stories of philanthropy. The goal of the series is to makes understandable and gets closer the philanthropy and the pleasure of supporting to the people.


  1. When did you started to be philanthropic, to donate?

I started it when I was student, but this philanthropic act was very small. When I was student, I noticed the social divides. This was the starting stroke for me.


  1. What it means for you the philanthropy? Why do you support community affairs?

The first I would like to mention that it was very important the establishment of the Community Foundation. The colleagues of the OSCF framed the groups from which can become community affairs. So is visible for everyone what support, and with what. This was very important for me. Finally it become more clear for the people the meaning of the philanthropy and the fact that not just financially can be helped a common goal but in many other way. To see the moving force of a program, gives me elan. I like to experience the collaboration, in special if I see, a whole community help the education, development and healing of a child.


  1. What kind of effect had the donation to your life? Do you have a special experience or story about this?

Every philanthropic act – even if its small – always generates a change in our life. Is a determinative experience, when a child gets well, or his life becomes more livable and you know that you moved this process a little bit forward too.


  1. What do you think, how should be the after-life of a donation? What is your advice to the applicants?

The periodic feedback always motivates the donor. Is important for the donator to see what happened, what created from the donation. The social sensitivity is always developable.