The second call proposal of „Heuréka Fund” (STEM) closed. There are five winner projects. The new interesting stories are related with astronomy, 3D printing, energy using, photography and Lego robotics. Here are the details:


  1. 3D Academy

Applicants: Association „Varázsecset” Arts School and Evergreen Agroturism Ltd.

The 3D Academy is addressed to high school students, which can win a participation on a course. The topic of the tender is planning of a 3D object. In the Academy, the students get acquainted with different design programs, graphic programs, design basics and operation of the 3D printer.


  1. Tinkering is good!

Applicant: Székely Zoltán physics teacher.

During the project there will be 3 trade with participation of students from „Tamási Áron” High School: construction of the electronic sensors, homemade power sources and mood lightings, practical competition.

The students will participate in a competition in pair. During this competition they need to create a device and/or a mechanism which is connected to the energy’s concept.


  1. Scout astronomer

Applicant: Association for the Scouts in Odorhei Region.

The principal program of the project are two astronomical evenings’ organization, for the scouts and the students in Odorhei region. During the astronomical evenings the star investigation will be led by astronomy specialists.


  1. Photographic camp

Applicant: Kováts István Photo Archive Association.

Within the framework of the project will be a six days’ photographic camp, in which will be interactive theoretical and practical photo education. The participating 20 students will study photography with contemporary photography technique, with modern mirror reflex photo machine and they learn to use the image editing software. From the successful photos, which made during the camp, they will organizes an exhibition on the Hungarian Photography Day.


  1. Lego Mindstorms Ev3

Applicant: Kinderstart Association

The main goal of the project is to introduce playfully the children into the world of science. The project provides an opportunity for the children to build, to program and to test robot technology tasks.

In the Lego courses participate six V-VIII class students using three Lego packet.


Congratulations for the winners and good luck for the implementation!