We start a new series of interviews to presents some local stories of philanthropy. The goal of the series is to makes understandable and gets closer the philanthropy and the pleasure of supporting to the people.


  1. When did you started to be philanthropic, to donate?

I donated since my childhood, but I donate in large item since 1990, when I started my private company. The beneficiaries are the organizations active in health, education, sport, environmental protection, arts domain and churches.


  1. What it means for you the philanthropy? Why do you support community affairs?

The charity comes from self-inspiration for me, my life philosophy is that the person strives for making good with its fellow creatures. The support of community activities is very important for me, because I don’t have time to participate on this kind of activities, but through donation I compensate my leeway.

In my opinion, every community member – and in this sense every citizen – should strive to participate in some form in the community’s life. The donation, the philanthropy is one way to do it.


  1. What kind of effect had the donation to your life? Do you have a special experience or story about this?

Naturally doing a good, being philanthropist sate us with happiness. Being aware of we helped a requiring person or organization make us important. I can’t name a concrete effect, rather I would say that the philanthropy is a motivation and a spiritual replenishment in my life.

Naturally It was a good experience always, when I heard from the achieved successes, if I supported a school competition or an ambulatory conference. In 2015 I supported the art camp in Homorod, and the organizers surprised me with a painting, which represent a street in Bădeni village. This gesture touched me deeply.


  1. What do you think, how should be the after-life of a donation? What is your advice to the applicants?

Fills me with joy in every case, if I see that the person or organization which I supported has reached its goal, so I expect from them to inform me about the results.

I advise for the applicants to make everything to achieve their purpose and to don’t forget, they were also helped by someone too and they carry on this mentality, in the future they help for others.