The protagonist of the SZKA weekend was the environmentally conscious approach. Last year, we jointly launched the Green Footprint initiative with the Zetea Forest Department, with companies that value sustainability and an environmentally conscious approach and are willing to plant trees in Odorhei region. More specifically, their support helps with the purchase, planting, and care of the saplings. Most of the employees participate in the planting process, and as a team-building event, they spend a valuable day together.

Last year it was the Color Metal Company that came on board and made the project possible. This goal was considered important this year as well, and they decided to support the planting of 1,000 tree seedlings, which will later help the life and supply of the forest flora and fauna. In addition, they also help to neutralize the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the company’s activities in the long term. The work community of the Color Metal Company joined the planting process again this year. Despite the gloomy weather on that Saturday, the atmosphere was characterized by cheerfulness and an enthusiastic attitude. In Subcetate nearly 70 people worked together to make this day successful.

In 2022, the Melinda Instal and Melinda Steel LTDs also joined the initiative, as they also believe that it is getting more and more important to act responsibly and consciously, and have incorporated this way of thinking into their daily lives at the company level. On Friday, nearly 40 employees got on the bus to help with the tree planting process. The company financed the purchase, planting, and care of the 500 little saplings.

This year’s little surprise is that the saplings were infected with truffle spores, which means that in a few years, in addition to the fruits of the trees, truffles can be a gourmet snack for the forest’s inhabitants and even for visitors. This year, in addition to sweet chestnuts, the participants also planted Turkish hazelnuts and barkócaberkenye saplings. The remaining part of the seedlings can occupy their new residence in autumn. The already planted saplings are placed on a digital map, and everyone can find their own tree based on GPS coordinates, and later on this map can help professionals monitor the survival rate and growth of the planted saplings. 

We are grateful that more and more people and companies are consciously paying attention to the environment, sustainability is important to them, and they are willing to act for this. We hope that cooperation and a conscious attitude will continue in the future, and that more companies and individuals will join the initiative.

Thanks to Hunor Kulcsár for the photos.