The second ProActive Rural meeting took place on June 14, 2021. All the project manegers of the Action Small Rural Communities  – ProActive Rural project from the Odorhei micro-region were present, which made our work more progressive, after a long period of time when communication took place only online due to the pandemic.

The meeting took place in Rareș, Harghita County at the Nagy-Homorod B&B, and it was attended by the INSERT Association and the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation (OSCF) from Romania, and the Association of Community Developers (KOFE) from Hungary. On the occasion of this meeting, the project managers made a detailed presentation of their achievements implemented between December 17th, 2020 and June 14th, 2021, such as project communication activities, number of project volunteers and their territorial distribution. They also talked about the acquisitions made so far to achieve the project objectives and about some details regarding the progress and program indicators. On the last day a KOFE partner presented a brief summary about the devotion and interest of the project communities towards all the information presented during these three days. All the KOFE trainers were impressed by the quantity and quality of questions asked by the participants, which denotes their interest to implement profound changes in the underserved communities.

The desire of communities to mobilize all the possible internal resources in the community was pretty clear. To support this approach, the KOFE trainers will be available for further information, via phone or email, in between the training events. Last, but not least, the KOFE project promoter and financial supervisor checked the quality of the financial reports.

At the end of the meeting, the partners decided that the next training session should take place in August 21st-23rd, 2021. By then the communities will have to submit a local strategic plan and a list of all the internal resources to use in order to achieve their goals. Considering the results of the evaluation sheets completed by the participants on the occasion of the first training session, it will be decided whether the location of the event will remain in Rareș or will move to another location.

Project carried out by