The Well-minded Odorhei initiative continued with a workshop, where the participants were able to make their own dishwashing detergent, de-icer for the windshield, and learned about the drain cleaning, as well.

In addition to the homemade stuff, we all received a premade eco-friendly dishwasher detergent and a spectacle cleaner.

The spectacle cleaner is from Corund, and is actually a tinder that can ingeniously perform its function. A piece costs 5 lei and it becomes worn-out after about 3 or 4 months. In addition to not polluting the environment, we are also supporting an old tradition by buying it. Contact information for the tinder crafter can be found here.

As for the dishwashing detergent, you need nothing more than sapon (or pre-prepared saponin) cooked from wash nuts, surfactant, water and vinegar. Click here for the eco-friendly dishwashing detergent recipe.

However, we didn’t pay enough attention to every detail in the workshop, and since the saponin (cooked from the wash nuts) supposed to be cold in order to be mixed with the surfactant, we got a paste-like texture for the following day. This, in turn, did not hold back the enthusiastic housewives from using it in their kitchen. Some of them mixed it with water, some of them used it as is, but the results spoke for themselves. So it has been proven again that “Do not judge a book by its cover.”

„It works so well, perfect for dishwashing, and I used it successfully in my bathroom, as well. Thank you very much Kata. 😊😘🙏”

„I just washed my greasy bowl and it tested better than any organic dishwashing detergent I’ve used before. 🙂”

The de-icer did not bring shame to these environmentally friendly recipes either. Click here for the recipe.

There is hardly a simpler recipe for drain cleaning: a bit of baking soda and some vinegar is needed once a week for 2-3 weeks. Click here for a recipe for an eco-friendly drain cleaner.

The Well-minded Odorhei meetings will be continued, but in the meantime, we encourage everyone to try out these recipes for an eco-friendly household.