The second wave of the coronavirus did not spare our region either, it became a main issue again to help those working in the front line, so the OSCF „Odorhei is prepared” project announced in the spring – the fundraising and support work of COVID19 – continues.

We applied and received a grant of 50,000 RON from the ARC – Asociatia pentru Relatii Comunitare emergency fund from Cluj-Napoca, supplemented by the remaining 37,000 RON from our spring collection. From this, we support the transport and assembly costs of the container complex to be built on the territory of the hospital, as well as the rent for the first three months. Renting a container complex will help make hospital patient care more efficient. This allows patients with suspected coronavirus infections who are waiting for the results of their tests to wait in safe places, and the previously multi-bed wards in which they waited are freed up for further patient care.

Photo: Zalán Ilyés,

In addition, protective equipment and disinfectants left over from spring purchases and asset subsidies have now been used. Last week, we handed over donations to three front-line departments.

The Cristuru Secuiesc Hospital received protective equipment and disinfectants worth 15,517.35 RON. The Odorheiu Secuiesc and Cristuru Secuiesc Ambulance Service received a donation of 19,567.35 RON. Both packages included goggles, protective clothing, simple medical masks, KN95 masks, PM 2.5 masks, gloves, surface disinfectants and hand sanitizers. At the same time, the Odorheiu Secuiesc branch of the Red Cross also received donations worth 2,005.2 RON. Their package included simple medical masks, protective clothing, and gloves.

Thus, all purchased tools and disinfectants are in the best place to help with your efforts to fight the coronavirus.

Thanks again to all the supporters!

Without you, this would not have happened!

Cover photo: Zalán Ilyés,