They say the numbers speak for themselves. This applies for the Run For It! as well.

This year, 24 NGOs have pledged to get involved in this project, so their community aspirations would be better known. Twelve aut of the 24 NGOs have just taken part in this event for the first time. They achieved exemplary results with their enthusiasm and persistent work.

A total of 274.423 RON was raised. Compared to the target amount planned by the project promoters at the beginning of the program, which was 144.125 RON, this is almost 100% more.

The number of donations this year was 3757, which came from a total of 2291 donors.

The first three NGOs that collected the most donations were:

  • Transylvanian Hungarian Association for the Visually Impaired: 34885 RON
  • Pro Educatione Cross Tour Association: 32602 RON
  • Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation: 20423 RON

The most donations were raised by the ambassadors:

  • Enikő Göllner Emese – 12337 RON
  • Barna Tánczos – 6670 RON
  • Melinda Nemes – 6395 RON

Our heart is filled with thankfullness. This year’s event was a unic and amazing experience.

There are a lot of valuable stories behind those numbers. We’ll be sharing a couple of those inspiring stories soon, but for now we – just like Einstein – are convinced that “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.”