In a survey conducted in the last two weeks, we measured the charity of the locals with the following three questions:

  • Did you help a stranger or anyone in need in 2019?
  • Did you donate money for charity this year?
  • Did you volunteer for a NGO this year?

270 people answered filled out the questionere, which is actually 50 people more than last year. The majority of the respondents, 89% live in or near Odorhei. The rest lives in the nearby settlements  ( Miercurea-Ciuc, Gheorgheni, Târgu Mureș, Cluj-Napoca, Sfântu Gheorghe, Budapest, etc.).

How much is that?

This year we have had similarly good results as we did in 2018, so in general we can say that the locals are very generous over here. However, it is important to emphasize that the survey is not representative, the results reflect only our respondents, not the charity attitude of the whole city. But overall it still shows an attitude, a good one.

98% of the respondents said they helped someone in need this year, 76% donated money for charity, and 64% volunteered for a NGO this year.

Does age and gender matter?

Yes, but there is no significant difference. Our female respondents were 100% helpful, while a ittle over 95% of the male ones helped a stranger. In cash donation, there is only 1% difference in favor of men. Men also lead by 4% in volunteering. Most of our respondents are between 19 and 50 years old.

We want to continue this tradition so that we can be proud of the generosity of Odorhei. Thank you to our respondents for being partners in this!