The result of a successful teamwork and enthusiastic people’s will came to an end on Sunday, October 14th, 2018. There were 342 runners lined up by the start line at our fundraising sporting event, and 29 more participants were running abroad and at some other regions of the country: Canada (Montreal), Germany, Hungary, Macedonia, Sweden, USA (Oakland, Los Angeles), at home: Zetelaka, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Torda, Bucharest, Arad and Constanta.

During the two hours runtime they ran 1876 rounds which is about 2500 km. There were about the same number of women as men participating, and the average age of runners was 32 years. These people came from all over the region: Székelyudvarhely, Fenyéd, Máréfalva, Székelyvarság, Ülke, Homoródszentmárton, Oklánd, Barót, Décsfalva, Székelyszentmihály, Székelykeresztúr, Zetelaka, Göröcsfalva, Csíkrákos, Csíkszentmiklós, Marosludas, Erdőszentgyörgy és Marosvásárhely.

Out of the 35 participating organizations, 15 were completely new, those who had not yet participated in the Run for IT! fundraising program. During the fundraising period, 165,800 RON was offered online, and 121,000 RON out of it was paid before the day of the event. 15% of the offerings were corporate sponsorships (24,500 RON), the rest individual donations. At the venue, additional donations amounted to 14,628 RON. 2618 donors donated 3743 times (201.792 RON).

Donations arrived from 133 in-state settlements and 13 countries abroad: England, British Virgin Islands, Denmark, USA, Netherlands, Iceland, Canada, Hungary, Germany, Norway, Italy, Switzerland and Sweden.

Ágota Vass won the first place among the ambassadors who collected 5.846 RON donations for the Elek Apó’s grandkids Association. She was followed by Éva Tóth-Harsányi 4,156 RON (Zsibongó Association), and then Demeter Nagy Boróka with 3,880 RON (Pro Educatione Keresztúr Association).

The most rounds, respectively 24 were ran by Bartha Bálint from the Feel Good Sport Association. Bálint was followed by Orbán Attila, Csizmadia Mihály Zsolt, Sinka Zsolt Csaba, Gábos Szilárd és Hompoth Ervin. Further results:

All this could only be achieved because of the 40 volunteers and the generous sponsors supporting this event.

Main sponsors

Highlited sponsors

Other sponsors