During the summer and autumn 2017, the OSCF made a strategic plan with the community members. Among others interviews were made with persons which participate in the community’s life and which make positive changes. In our next series of interviews, we share some of these interviews. 

The secfourth part of our series is the interview made with Dunkler Réka.


  1. According to your opinion which are the 3 most serious problem in Odorhei, wherewith should be to solve? What are you mostly worried about if you think to the community where you live?

What I find most disturbing is that the city don`t have cultural strategy. I think it would be important to measure all the resources and develop a long-term plan. Using a broader research that involves the region, because I think we should think together.

The other is the educational strategy that would be good if there were no interests, it would be important to consider just the interests of the community. Rather, it is to look at the viability of education as a collision of groups’ interest. We should look at the best way for kids in Odorhei, what is the demand, what the region can offer to them.

The third is the migration that is related to the previous one, the lack of a viable cultural strategy and an education strategy plays a major role in the emigration of people and families, although the arguments put forward most frequently point to economic reasons, so they are more aware of it and they don’t even think of what role these have. Culture and education also have an identity preservation role, here with majority of Hungarians maybe don’t feel the value and importance of these, but I was born in Brasov, lived in Timisoara and I experienced what could be the consequences if the city and, in particular, the Hungarian community are not organized along a thoughtful strategy.


  1. What is promising for you, if you think to the future of your community?

The fact that the Hungarians live in a block and there is strength in them, they should only be exploited. Most of the Hungarian-inhabited towns do not have this power, there are many Hungarian educational institutions in the city there are many potentialities which from can be built, which can be explored, which would make the city attractive.


  1. According to your opinion what is the main role of the OSCF in the community?

Building the community. In my view, you are one of the important foundations that organize city-wide programs that drive people’s lives. 


  1. What should the OSCF do in the next 7 years in order to support the community to evolve in the right direction?

Every city and region has the strength to capture children and families. In Miercurea Ciuc there are good initiatives in this direction, more family-oriented, child-centered events and projects are being created. The gauge is that young couples have to be convinced to stay home and not go abroad. There must be spaces (physical and mental) that strengthen the feeling of home, where they feel comfortable, programs for them, where they feel they are important, and „well-being here”. Just one example, though there are many: In Miercurea Ciuc, in Sfântu Gheorghe, there are several clubs and community spaces that are child-friendly, but you should look for the such in Odorhei. And where do people meet if they are not in clubs or community spaces. There may be a need for a thoughtful initiative and many partners could be found here.


  1. According to your opinion what was the biggest implementation of the OSCF in the last 2-3 years?

Field planning near the Jesus Heart Chapel and the playground in the hospital. The more such a playground would need for Odorhei.