Csáki Rozália, the executive director of Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation joined too for the Hungarian Swimathon fundraising program.

The Swimathon is a community fundraising campaign and event, in which people implicate to swim and fundraise for a good cause. These people are the „ambassadors” of the programs, which they represent. They not only swim an undertaken distance and time in the event, but raise funds too for the realization of the programs.

The OSCF, like the first Hungarian community foundation and the first Romanian community foundation try to show a good example for the other community foundations, therefore Csáki Rozália accepted this request. With her swimming and her fundraising she supports the „On a Common Basis” project, which is a national program, which helps the creation and development of Hungarian community foundations.

Here you have a short picture report of the Hungarian Community Foundation’s movement:

Here you can find more details about the Swimathon: 2017.swimathon.hu

Csáki Rozália assumed to: swim 500 m during 25 minutes and raise100.000 forint, from which 81.000 forint is already gathered.