There are more and more local entrepreneurs, who serve the community with regular sponsorship. This is a serious decision and a conscious assuming of corporate social responsibility. A company’s life is tightly connected with the community’s life where it operates.

Top Invest is a company, which not only knows this, but undertakes to serve the community. They chooses the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation as partner for this purpose.

Our cooperation, the main point of „With coins for the community” program is that the company contribute 2 lei after each bill to a community fund. It’s similar to the „Community Card” program, but it is working good with that companies which clients are enterprises and not individuals.

Top Invest supports 2 programs from this community fund:

  • Heuréka Fund: a new program of Community Foundation, which will be launched this year. The goal is to familiarize the students form V to XII classes the world of science and technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM).
  • Good Idea Fund – supporting local initiatives for environment protection and nature conservation.