We started our second call for proposal of You Choose program in 2016. There are 10 applications from NGOs from Odorheiu Secuiesc. Their goal is to purchase materials and instruments or to start a PR activity by which their community work will become more effective.

Now is starting the voting procedure because the local community decides who will win this financial support. The Community Card holders have the right to vote – because through their contribution is created the fund – for these projects during the period between 5th and 17th April.

We present the NGOs below:

  1. „Ficánka és Barátai” Association
  2. Pro Minoribus Association
  3. Sport and Cultural Association of Cădişeni
  4. „Bibliofil Foundation” Cultural Association
  5. „Cserkészpajtás” Association
  6. „Napsugár” Association
  7. „Szorgos Ifjoncok” Association
  8. Feel Good Sport Association
  9. Caritas Alba Iulia – Social Services (sub-office in Odorheiu Secuiesc)
  10. „Sikerkulcs” Foundation


The project is financed through the SEE Grants 2009-2014 within the NGO Fund in Romania.
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