At the beginning of September we launched our competition for those who requested community card or updated their profile on our site (

On the 12’th October the first lucky winner, Hajdó Tünde from Odorheiu Secuiesc received the first gift package offered by Harmopan and Merkúr at the Community Foundation’s office. This week the other two winners, Laczkó Juliánna and Bedea Jolán also received their rewards.

Since the beginning of this competition 310 person requested Community Card from Odorheiu Secuiesc, Cristuru Secuiesc, Vlăhița, Gheorgheni, Remetea, and 305 updated their data on the site.

The competition continue! Until the end of November six gift packages (worth 150 RON each) will be distributed among those who request card and use it, or update their personal data on the site.