Our program of training for the graduation exams launched in January 2015 ended succesfully as all the participants managed to take their graduation exam both in Romanian Language and Literature, and in Mathematics. Compared to the results of the preliminary graduation tests in March, student’s results grew with 2,26 point in Romanian Language and Literature, and 2,34 in Mathematics.

These results already promised the success of our program, as they were better than the results of the previous year with 0,90 points (Romanian) and 1, 5 (Mathematics).

Both training programmes offered the students access to learning material in written and video format, created with persistent and competent work by the teachers Ambrus Hajnalka (Romanian) şi Bíró G. Albert (Maths). These didactic materials are also used in the orphanages of the Franciscan monk, Father Csaba.

10 students from the Odorhei area took part in this educational training program generously sponsored by – Dr. Verestóy Attila Foundation, Nyko SRL., SC. Matplast, SC. ABC Impex,  SC. Maxol, SC. Ikos.

Due to the success of the program, and the explicit need of the students we decided to continue the training program during the next school year as well.