Alabaster (Cheia)

The village gathered their power (again) and started to build the fence and the traditional roofed-gate. Till now they organized voluntary work for seven times.

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After the material acquisition they built a fond for a 42 m long fence and arranged the environment to the place where they put the old gate.

[hb_image width=”400″ height=”225″ align=”center”][/hb_image]


The next step is to build the upper part of the fence and painting it.

Carving the traditional roofed-gate is in process. Their friends in Benţid are charged to do this task. The gate will be put up in the beginning of July.

[hb_image width=”400″ height=”265″ align=”center”][/hb_image]




The acquisition of the materials and the negotiation with the carpenters is done. The work just started.

[hb_image width=”400″ height=”230″ align=”center”][/hb_image]




They appointed the period of the traditional folk dance camp which is advantageous for everyone. They plan the program of the camp also, with various activities for children.

[hb_image width=”179″ height=”230″ align=”center”][/hb_image]


Near learning folk dance participants will have time to play together, to learn handcraft skills, to bake tree cake, etc.


[hb_image width=”400″ height=”249″ align=”center”][/hb_image]


The camp will end with a common celebration. There will be invited children’s parents, local guests, guests from Yarmouth (USA) and from other two villages: Vârghiş and Mujna. For this occasion they will expose children’s works. The meal will be baked, cooked, prepared by the local community.


Checești-Chedea Mică

In the beginning of April they organized a big voluntary work to clean the community centre and its environment. It was involved even the major’s office of Şimoneşti who helped them financially. One businessman from neighborhood undertook the coordination of workers, the organization of the logistics, and the acquisition of needed materials. The experts were helped by voluntary workers.

The inner part of the wall was renovated by using traditional methods.

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[hb_image width=”400″ height=”308″ align=”center”][/hb_image]

They had to change the structure of one of the walls. Some beams were rotten. Parallel with these works they changed the electric wiring. After that they changed the floor of the stage.

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The workers continue their tasks with huge enthusiasm.


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