The group Liveable Odorhei held its new meeting on the 11th of June. The main issue discussed on the meeting was how to reduce the environmental impact, focusing mainly on the importance of selective garbage collection.

As this problem already occurred on some of our earlier meetings as well, this time we invited Lenke Pál, secretary of uEKE to share with us some of her experience in selective collection of waste. Besides organizations interested in environmental issues civilians also attended the meeting.

Attendants considered that the most important is to make consumers aware of how much waste they produce due to excessive packing of different products. The first plans came up connected to the idea of sensibilization: people should be made aware of how much waste we all produce through the use of videos, posters even flash mobs.

Attendants of the meeting also pointed out, that although most of the waste comes from the industry; things will not change as long, as we don’t start changing them on a smaller scale. The invited speaker of the event pointed out that change should start in the home; people should become conscious in their choices of what to dispose off and what to keep. The garbage should be sorted as much as it is possible. Lenke Pál also mentioned the organic waste, which could be used in composting, but many people simply throw it away with other kinds of waste.

Members of the group decided to continue the series of discussions on this field, trying to collaborate with different institutions working in this area. They also plan a campaign for sensibilization at the end of summer in Odorhei, the details of which are to be discussed on one of the next meetings.