The winner of the first You Choose grantmaking program in this year are “Orbán” Foundation, the “Elek Apó Unokái” Association, and the “Cserkészpajtás” Association. The amount of the financial support is 2500 eur.

Eight NGOs took part in this program. The Community Card holders had the chance to vote on their personal favorite from the six projects. In the last two weeks arrived 1,655 votes. “Orbán” Foundation won with 400 votes, the “Tehetség és Szorgalom” Foundation with 281 votes, and the “Cserkészpajtás” Association with 258 votes.

Winner ONG’s Activity The project’s aim
“Orbán” Association helping children with disabilities tablet PC’s, software’s
“Elek Apó Unokái” Assotiation out-of-school education color laser printer, photo camera, computer
“Cserkészpajtás” Association youth education kitchen tent, kitchen tools, walkie-talkie