The last study visit of the program Let’s develop philanthropy for sustainable communities (Grundtvig Learning Partnership Program) was hosted by the partner from the Czech Republic respectively in Moravská Nová Ves.


Czech Republic


The theme of the study visit organized in May 24 to 28 periods was donor care and communication and marketing of community foundations.

The host community foundation shared with us several fundraising programs organized by them as charity fair, charity wine auctions and special calendars of their region. From the revenues of these events the local Community Foundation supports initiatives in the region such as dogs’ shelter and porcelain painting workshop based on traditional patterns from the region.

The Grundtvig partnership program involving four partners from four different countries – Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania – began in autumn 2011, the project leader is the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation. The study visits organized along two years have given us the opportunity to develop our international relations, to know and to share best practices in several activity fields of community foundations. At the end of the learning program we can say that there are many similarities in the activities covered by various community foundations, but their character is defined by the local communities, the community foundation’s team and the economic life of the community.


The Let’s develop philanthropy for sustainable communities project has received European Commission funding in the form of a grant from GRUNDTVIG-action (2012-1-RO1-GRU06-22713) of the European Lifelong Learning Programme. All views expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.