Based on the three suggestions received from the comunity, we have organized the online vote for the next Városi Kaláka program.

The most popular idea was a park for dogs, closely the second was the “Colorful City”. We intend to start the Dog Park construction next spring, but taking into account the very close result, if there is a possibility we shall organize a kaláka for the second project as well.

The Community Foundation is counting on the active participation of the community, especially from the dog owners side as well as the partnership of the Local Council.
The “Colorful City” project needs a detailed planning and creative work before iimplementation, so we will need the volunteers input here as well.
Our Városi Kaláka project wouldn’t work without the regular support of four hundred people who support the program with a small but monthly regular contribution.

Thanks for their help and for those, who provided ideas and taken the time to vote. In the same time we are grateful for the local media’s support.