The evaluation of the 34 Letters of Intent has been done. We met many projects with high level of community development.

The evaluation was made based on the criteria announced in the call for proposal and also by taking in consideration the total fund of this program.
In this way the qualified initiatives for the second round are from the communities:

[list style=”list1″]

  • Bențid
  • Cechești
  • Firtușu
  • Ghipeș
  • Crăciunel
  • Icland
  • Chinușu
  • Cobătești
  • Corund
  • Cheia
  • Medișoru Mare
  • Rareși
  • Dârjiu (that project which goal is to develop the sportlife in the community)
  • Mujna
  • Providence Assotiation (Gondviselés Segélyszervezet) with a project which cover the whole Transylvania.
  • [/list]

    The qualified NGO’s must work out the detailed application and to send it in electronic and printed version also until 28th May (both versions need to arrive until this deadline) to the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation (Odorheiu Secuiesc, street Bethlen Gabor no 55, Harghita county).