The “Gábor Áron Lyceum Foundation” from Vlăhiţa was established in 1994 and since then it has been following its basic objectives closely, namely the support of the school’s educational and extracurricular activities.

One of its fundamental objectives is to facilitate foreign language learning as much as possible. The Good Idea fund, posted by the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation has given the Foundation the opportunity to apply for an English language textbook package. The school’s English teacher Hajdu Krisztina-Timea submitted the application for a package which contains student’s books, CDs and mini-grammar activity booklets as well.

The title of the application was “English, our global language”, its duration being between the 5th of October 2011 and 27th of January 2012. The educational package is used by the 9th–12th graders in the school’s English cabinet, these books being a supplement of the library’s dictionary stock.

It has proved to be helpful for those pupils who wouldn’t have financial possibilities to purchase such books but who learn foreign languages with enthusiasm. The project will live on through the pupils and it will support hundreds of students for generations to come.