Under this program, supported by the American Project Harvest Hope in partnership with Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation, the Unitarian rural communities from Transylvania received a grant of $40,000. Fourteen Unitarian communities received about a $3,000 grant. Currently they interpret the projects accounts and report their realization.

The communities are rightly proud of the following achievements (the already accounted projects are on the list):
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  • At Firtosváralja a new van was bought to help the village’s caretaker service.
  • At Bözöd the roof of Bözödi György’s birth house was repaired and the new part of this house gives place for the congregation’s meetings.
  • At Pálpataka a room was renovated to give place for craftsman trainings.
  • At Szind the presbytery was renovated and later it gave place for Confirmand’s camp, Music camp and Sunday school camp.
  • At Gyepes a community center was created with an arbor, playground and the youth club’s tools were upgraded too.
  • At Jobbágyfalva a community house was built near the Unitarian church. Free English courses had begun before the school started. The English Conversation Club was formed.
  • At Városfalva a public space was landscaped with evergreens and benches.
  • At Firtosmartonos the congregation hall was renovated, furnished and equipped with office supplies. This hall gives place for services during the winter.
  • At Kőrispatak the congregation house was renovated and furnished. After the heating starts the congregation meetings and trainings will begin.

The completed projects are in accordance with the goal of the grants. Besides the material support, the team building and the voluntary work had its particular harvest.