The Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation started in May a new initiative focused on environmental issues. One of our main goal is to raise awareness of commnity to the environmental problems and to offer support for solving them or to change the existin situations. In order to identify the main problems, we held a meeting on the 20th of June, where we invited representatives of local NGOs and companies interested in the topic.

The purpose of this meeting was to list the most important environmental issues in the region grouped in 5 themes: education, garbage, bicycle and public transport, nature conservation, energy saving and eficiency.

All participants believe that the biggest problem is the lack of a strategy and systematic information and education. They gave black point to the exisiting cycling paths and lack of parking spaces for bicycles, and also for lack of parking houses. Several people have also proposed to establish botanical garden, thematic pathways in the neared forrest.

On the next meeting the workgroup will create a map of needed resources for solve and/or change these problemes.

This initiative is supported by Global Fund for Community Foundation.