Our community members have voted to build a park for dog owners and their animals this year. Located in the Bethlen neighbourhood, the dog park baptised „Vakkantó” will be constructed parallel with the Lakatos István street, in a green area. The Community Foundation, in collaboration with the Mayors Office of Odorheiu Secuiesc has already built an outdoor gym not far from this location, but dog owners with their animals do not have acces to those facilities, even though it would be vital for them to have a dedicated space.

Our project has begun with forming a group of volunteers, helping us in drafting and implementing our plans. On the surface available for construction will mount 150 metres of fence, which need 77 support beams and the same number of concrete foundations. Our volunteers have mixed and poured two cubic metres of concrete, have installed the fence support beam. Following steps include mounting the wire net and the auxiliary equipment, trash cans and benches, the latter done by the Mayors Office.

We would like to thank our generous donors, Melinda Steel, Delkamet, Viaduct, Kribot Fashion, RMDSZ 7 Székelyudvarhely, Incze Csongor, Columba Investment, Orbán Zoltán.

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