Last week, between 13 and 14 June the Iasi Community Foundation hosted the third edition of Community Foundations Conference in Romania. The event was a good opportunity to bring together all 12 community foundations in the country in a space of exchange, and dialogue with representatives of the sponsors, donors and supporters of community foundations program.

National Conference of Romanian Community Foundations

Participants had the opportunity to attend both plenary sessions and workshops focused on three main themes: leadership, involvement and impact. We were provided information and discussed topics such as:

  • Involving the community and the donors to sustain the community foundations;
  • Stimulating entrepreneurship with social and environmental purpose and microfinancing practices;
  • Building and developing donor circles within community foundations;
  • The role of the Community Foundation to stimulate and support to micro-communities organized around a shared common interest;
  • How can support Community Foundations the voluntary and how voluntarism could support Community Foundations?
  • Knowing the community: how to evaluate community needs and capabilities and how we respond to the needs identified?
  • Impact assessment of community foundations: theory of change, the results’ map, evaluative thinking.

The Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation moderated a session on the theme: Programs and approaches in geographicly small communities.

National Conference of Romanian Community Foundations

In the final event occurred Community Foundation awards for their expertise in various fields, respectively for their contribution to the development of community foundations movement. OSCF received two awards, namely:

  • Award to stimulate initiative, volunteerism and generosity through the Urban Kalaka, You Choose and Philanthropic Community programs.
  • Leadership Award in the national movement of community foundations.