We received 17 applications, which is a record number in five years of YouthBank program in Odorheiu Secuiesc. We are glad that so many young people heard our call and worked on the project ideas and written the applications.

We confess that the evaluation of these applications wasn’t easy for our team, mainly because of the large number of applications and the creative and innovative ideas, but obviously we are delighted.

Based on the principles of evaluation, the scores given by the team and based on the interview our decision is below:

No. Name of Applicant Teams Title of the projects Budget of the projects
1 Darabontok Darabont-kalauz
information and coloring book about the fortress of Odorheiu Secuiesc
1.580 RON
2 EMIsek Film marathon
bean bags for the film club
1.700 RON
3 Girls’ basketball team of Tamási Áron Gimnasium Jerseys for the girls’ basketball team 1.360 RON
4 Harmatcseppek Szeretetszolgálat 1. Think to the future!
saplings and seedlings for an orphalinate
1.210 RON
5 MÁSÉRT- MÁSKÉNT- MÁS”ART” Youth Artists for Odorheiu Secuiesc
cultural events
1.920 RON
6 SzuDit Cultural project
painting and photo auction for helping the youth
630 RON
7 Youth Photographer’s Club from Odorheiu Secuiesc Photo weekend
photo weekend and exhibition of realized photos
1.600 RON

Congratulation for the winners!