The winner of the first You Choose grantmaking program in this year are Orbán Foundation, Hope Foundation of Blinds from Odorheiu Secuiesc, the Elek Apó’s Grandchildren Association, the “Tehetség és Szorgalom” Foundation, the Areopolis Floorball Sport Association and the „Arany Griff Rend” Association. The amount of the financial support is 4000 eur.


Fourteen NGOs took part in this program. The Community Card holders had the chance to vote on their personal favorite from the fourteen projects. In the last two weeks arrived 7,320 votes. Orbán Foundation won with 1620 votes, Hope Foundation of Blinds from Odorheiu Secuiesc with 916 votes, Elek Apó’s Grandchildren Association with 763 votes, “Tehetség és Szorgalom” Foundation with 608 votes, Areopolis Floorball Sport Association with 508 votes and „Arany Griff Rend” Association with 446 votes.


Winner ONG’s Activity the project’s aim
Orbán Foundation helping children with disabilities fibre optic curtain (includes light source)
Hope Foundation of Blinds from Odorheiu Secuiesc helping blind people changing defective pieces of the foundation’s van
Elek Apó’s Grandchildren Association aut-of-school education projector, laptop, projector support, projection screen
“Tehetség és Szorgalom” Foundation youth education tarp for tent, tables, benches, speaker, GPS, camcorder
Areopolis Floorball Sport Association popularizing the floorball and organizing sport events floorball equipment
„Arany Griff Rend” Association keeping the medieval tradition medieval shoes