The event organized by the YouthBank team was successful this year too. There were 10 talented youth who participated on the show presented by Róbert Dunkler.

Four of them were rewarded by the jury that was formed of Murányi Enikő, Tóth Árpád and Szabó Attila. The participants were Balázs Bernadett, Cucoş Teodora, Nemes Mátyás-Sándor Előd, Ötves Márton-Forgács Norbert, Rend Péter, Savu Edit the four rewarded: Zsombori Zita Bíborka, Sándor Zsombor, Harangozó Noémi și Dobai Csaba. Based on the positive feedback, the YouthBank team plans to organize this event next year too.


Fundatii comunitare

