This year 7 groups applied for the project proposal advertised by the YouthBank.

Not only groups of specified schools applied but different groups from non-formal youth organisations too. After the preselections and the interviews with the young applicants the youthbankers organized the final selections and made the decision to support all the seven projects. The supported projects have different themes: education, culture, sport, music and public life of students.


Applied team Name of the project
Felsőboldogfalvi Ifjúsági Fórum Múltunk és értékeink képkiállítás (exposition about the past of the village Feliceni)
Spártakós 3 Spártakós Kupa 3 (Sports competition between the schools)
B.E.P.  TEAM 2 Erdei Tanoda 2 (educative camp for pupil of 1-4 classes)
Székelyudvarhelyi Vörös Darabontok Darabont toborzó (augmentation of the darabont-team)
Dead Smile Dead Smile Project (making of a short video with the implementation of the local youth community)
Refi kampánystáb Mozgassuk meg az udvarhelyi fiatalokat (sport activities)
SzudDit SzuDit-szervezetfejlesztés (organisation developement and experience exchange)
