This year, again, it was up to the Charitable Community to decide which three initiatives could get into the Donor Circle fundraising gala event. The decision was not easy to come up with, as there were 9 local initiatives applying. This is a record number compared to previous years. These are initiatives whose implementation will bring positive changes into the lives of several people and contribute to the development of the community in our region. Here are the initiatives that have “won action”:

Who do you see in the mirror?

Attila Péter’s project addresses to 16-17 year old students. It aims to increase the self-esteem and self-confidence of the youngsters in our community. Attila’s goal is that he wants the participants to not only see a cool „get together” in the program where they can relax with their peers, but they would also feel the urge to make a change in themselves and work for it with determination. He thinks we are all familiar with the feeling when it’s not up to us to control our actions, but our fears, and this project is meant to change this.

I guess…. (autism crumbs)

The Purple Development Point project is primarily aimed to children with autism and their families, but they also want to draw the attention of the wider population to autism, and hold classes and meetings for school teachers. Their goal is to bring together the families of children with autism, so the parents facing similar problems can meet each other in thematic groups, where they could share their ups and downs. These meetings would involve subject-sensitive professionals, special educators, lecturers with expertise in the subject, who can answer their questions and to clear myth as ” they will eventually grow it out ” or ” this and this drug cured my neighbour, as well”.

Küküllő kalaka

The BILT Group Corp INC. initiative wants to transform the Küküllő’s riverbank in our town. Being a potential public space, it could accommodate a lot of urban events. Using the riverbank as a geographical element close to the whole city could greatly improve the community life. This team’s goal -as architects- is to improve the quality of public spaces, working together with the residents and volunteers.


This week the OSCF will start planning for the Donor Circle fundraising gala event, taking place on May 20th, 6 pm.