The Unitarian Community Fund, a partnership between Project Harvest Hope and the Szekelydvarhelyi Kozossegi Alapitvany, is a $40,000 grant fund open to Unitarian Communities in Transylvania who want to create and lead projects focused on building their community. The Fund is designed to help communities explore and develop projects which they believe will increase the quality of life in their village.

One of the main aims of the Fund is community building. For that reason, applications must show a commitment to building local partnerships, involving local institutions, volunteers and providing some local resources. Involving partners and volunteers builds sustainability, ensures continuity and communications and helps SzKA determine if this idea is supported by the community. Additionally, applicants will be required to provide minimum 20% self contribution which can be a combination of materials and funds. Building the 20% self contribution ensures community buy-in and is an important part of ensuring commitment. Because these are requirements, the SzKA staff is here to work with you on your planning and development should you want our support.

A note from the President of Project Harvest Hope:

„Project Harvest Hope is delighted to partner with the Szekelyudvarhelyi Community Foundation to continue its program of community and economic development in the Unitarian communities of Transylvania. Founded in 1993, Project Harvest Hope has been involved in support for a grain mill, a bakery and a dairy farm. More recently, PHH has focused on community organizing and the renewal of civil society through the good offices of eight Local Development Agents. We are excited that the recent addition of SzKA to the landscape of NGOs in this region provides PHH with a rich opportunity for an apolitical and professional approach to grant making for Unitarian communities. Our initial grant to SzKA is $40,000. We trust that our friends in Transylvania will view this partnership as a rich opportunity to build successful communities and help meet the myriad challenges of the twenty-first century. With appreciation to SzKA and with hope for the future,

Very Truly Yours,
Rev. Will Saunders, President
Project Harvest Hope”



NGOs and initiative groups from Unitarian Rural Communities of Transylvania (those villages which appear in the Transylvanian Unitarian Church Directory).
If you are an initiative group (do not have an NGO) we will work with you to find a partner.


Projects should be about and for your community. When you are thinking about a project idea, think about this: How can you contribute to a live community? What kind of activities, initiatives would help to motivate and activate your community to act for their own better future? The project ideas should not be religious, but they must include the local Unitarian community.
Projects are a maximum of $5000 but the average will be $3000. We accept a wide range of ideas based on our belief that you know what your community needs. In the first session of Unitarian Community Fund between the supported projects were: development of local newspeaper, training for youths, community house’s renovation, landscape and playground etc.

When we will make a decision about your project we will consider a high priority to projects which:
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  • are based on community decision
  • give answer to a real local need and/or willingness
  • build on partenrship (involve actively local people and local NGOs, institutions, companies)
  • contribute with a high level of voluntary work and local resources
  • can assure the sustainability of their project after the financial support too
  • can have a real impact to change something in the community.



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LOIs will be accepted until 30th March. If you are interested, please email or call 0745-654164 so we can get the process started.


Project Harvest Hope



Székelyudvarhelyi Közösségi Alapítvány
