This is the third year that we have mapped the charity of the people of Odorhei. Over the past two weeks, we have surveyed locals about the following three questions:

  • Have you helped any stranger or anyone in need in 2020?
  • Did you donate money to charity this year?
  • Did you volunteer for an NGO this year?

142 people answered the questions, slightly less than last year.

Most of the respondents, 81%, live in or around Odorheiu Secuiesc. But 19% of those who have completed the online questionnaire live in some remote settlements (for example: Baraolt, Brașov, Ciceu, Gheorgheni, Lunca de Sus, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mureș, Sfantu Gheorghe, Sovata, Zalau, Budapest, United Kingdom).

How much is enough?

This year, just like last year, we got really nice results. Overall, we can say that Odorhei is very charitable.

However, it is important to emphasize that the survey is not representative, so the results reflect our respondents, not the charity attitude of the whole city, but it still shows a direction.

98% of respondents said they helped someone in need it this year, 75% also donated money to charity, and 52% volunteered for an NGO this year.

Does age and gender matter?

Yes, unlike in previous years, there are also significant differences. 98% of our female respondents were helpful, while men achieved a similar result, 97% helped a stranger or someone in need. The difference in cash is much greater in favor of men, as 89% of them also donated money to charity, while only 69% of women. In terms of volunteering, on the other hand, 16% are women.

The majority of our respondents are between the ages of 19 and 30, but there are also a handful of people between the ages of 31 and 50.

“We’re here on earth to help each other. Otherwise, what would happen to us?” asks Giorgio Pressburger.

We honestly plan to continue to this three-question tradition in order to reflect the generosity of Odorhei and its region.

Thank you to our respondents for being our partners in this.