The Harmopan Company started a competition gameaddressed to Community Card users. We talked with Somodi Kinga, the marketing specialist of the Company about the collaboration with the Community Foundation and about the competition game.


  1. The Community Foundation and the Harmopan Company has been cooperating for a long time. What is all about this strategic cooperation?

 By becoming partner in the Community Card program, the Harmopan Co. want to develop its corporate social responsibility program. Our goal isto contribute with our products to develop our environment, to build our communities and to helpunderprivileged groups.We wish to raise the attention of inhabitants to social problems in communities, to make them sensitive to these problems, to create active groups and to support them.

With our Community Card we want to recognize and to reward the committed, loyalty (daily) customers by offering to them a discount for each shopping. Our loyalty program’s goal is to create a database, through which we can meet better our consumers, and we can enlarge their satisfaction, and we can create a direct relationship with them, in order tomake them to feel their money value worth more at us.

The Harmopan joined the Community Card program in September 2015. The card users get 2% discount for every buying in our shops, and we give 1% from the purchased amount in the Community Card Fund. The Community Card program is managedby different community foundations in the different cities, so our company collaborate with the Green Szeklerland Association in Miercurea-Ciuc, with the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation in Odorhei, Gheorgheni and Cristuru Secuiesc region, and with the Mureș Community Foundation in Târgu-Mureș.


  1. You started recently the competition, what is all about, who and how can participate?

Yes, we started the competition at 20th July in our shops, where should bewin seven valuable city bikes. With this action we want to raise the attention of our customers to healthy product consumption and to the need of everyday moving. We promote the buying of healthy productsmade from brown-, rye-, Graham and whole grain flour: Graham loaf 400 gr.; Rye Bread 900 gr.; Rye Potato Bread 1,5 kg; Brown Sport Loaf 400 gr.

How can participate the customers?

  • They should buy at least one bread from the above-mentioned;
  • At buying they should use their Community Card;
  • The min. value of the cash bill should be 15 RON (next to the bread they can buy any other product);
  • On the back of the cash billthey need to write their name and phone number, and put into the raffle box in the shops.


  1. What is your experience, do these competitions increasedthe number of Community Card users?

Every similar competition growth the number of loyal and conscious card user customers, and the number of the new card holders too.

This time we want to say thanks to all loyalty card users, which support usto realize our CSR program.


  1. Why do you consider important the use of the Community Card?

I profess with full conviction that a company need to be present in a community not only with excellent products and services but also as a social authority. But for this need to be able to enhance the community values, to treatthe social problems, to make sensible the communities, to create active groups and to offer continue support for them. With the Community Card everybody can contribute to solve social problems in their community. In my opinion giving and helping for the needy is an uplifting feeling.