After the first call for proposal of the „Heuréka Fund” (STEM) there are three winner projects. Thanks to them the following interesting events will happen in Odorheiu Secuiesc in the near future.


  1. It’s gas! The science goes to home

Applicants: Székely Zoltán physics teacher and his team formed from high school students and university students.

The project’s goal is to popularize the science. They tend to raise up the curiosity in more than 600 participants for the physics science with interesting, enjoyable, spectacular and interactive experiments.


  1. U-Hub: Interdisciplinary, innovation and product development competition and mentoring program

Applicants: ErGo Association and U-Hub IT&C Community in Odorhei region.

High school students team can apply to the program with an innovative IT product idea. After the decision of a professional jury, the winner students will participate in a training. They will get also mentoring supporting from the companies of U-Hub to realize their ideas at prototype level.

The project’s goal is to popularize the IT profession.


  1. VRSpace

Applicants: The student-team of „Tamási Áron” High School with coordination of Szélyes Emőke Réka IT teacher.

The project is based on the website, where can be created three-dimensional models and a three-dimensional space. These spaces can be seen with an appropriate phone and website application and with a VR glasses.

The project’s goal is to familiarize the students with a part of the Virtual Reality technology.


Congratulations for the winners and good luck for the implementation!