The Euro-Car Trading is the first enterprise, which started the program of OSCF named „With coins for the community”. Our cooperation is two years-old.

The 15-years-old Euro-Car Trading is the enterprise, which keeps in mind the interest of local community, and not only with services and productions, but also is a committed supporter of local affairs. For the realization of this objective they found a good partner, the OSCF.

The main point of the „With coins for the community” program is that the company contribute 1 lei after each bill to a community fund which is managed by the OSCF. Through this, the community fund thrives with 350-400 lei monthly. From this fund the Euro-Car Trading supports two programs this year:

  • Heuréka Fund: the goal is to familiarize the students from V to XII classes with the world of science and technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM).
  • Good Idea Fund– supporting local initiatives for environment protection and healthy lifestyle.

The choice is not accidental, because Toyota developed the Hybrid cars first in the world, which was epoch-making in technology and in environmental protection too. The Euro-Car Trading consequently continues this approach in helping of the local affairs too.