The YouthBank closing fundraising action was organized on 16-17 February. The YouthBank and the Hungarian Harghita County Student Council (HaDiT) gave lectures for the high school students in Odorhei. They presented the student code – charter – which recently came into force and includes the rights and obligations of students enrolled into Romanian educational institutions.

The presentations were organized in the presentation room of „Tamási Áron” High School’s college and the „Kós Károly” High School.  Almost all of high schools of the city were present on the event. The presentation of the charter was undertaking by volunteer students and it was interactive. Between others they talked about the right to free education and the right to free school books, and the obligation of presenting on classes. The charter included that the teacher can’t take away the cell phone from the students, but the students are not allowed to use the cell phone during classes. This subject was the most popular in all classes.

The event was very successful among students and the organizers accentuated that the purpose of the event wasn’t to generate conflict, but more to inform and help the effective communication between students and teachers.

All classes paid 50 lei for the presentation and they got a charter publication. The gathered money divides between the YouthBank and the HaDiT. The HaDiT will organize a crash course with this fund for the council members, while the YouthBank put it in their tender fund.