For a year, three NGOs from three different cities have implemented a traffic educational programmer for students to improve safety for cyclists.

Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation in partnership with the Mures Community Foundation and Green Szeklerland Association from Miercurea Ciuc have held educational courses attended by 199 students, during which it organized six bike marches, distributed 4,000 flyers and 900 brochures.

Within the project we conducted a study in three cities in which we had 2111 high school students as participants. Our survey results show, that, despite the fact that more than 77% of pupils own a bicycle, only 18% of them use it to go to school. Statistics also show that in the last five years the town Odorheiu Secuiesc had seen 46 accidents involving cyclists happen on its territory. One of them was fatal, in 28 cases the participants suffered severe injuries and 27 cases lead to light damage.

In light of the above mentioned events, we can say, that there is need for students and school education to be included in an institutional framework, in order to increase the awareness of the necessity of an appropriate behavior for bicycle users in traffic.