The 8th edition of YouthBank fundraising events have started in Odorheiu Secuiesc. With the participation of 18 volunteers (András Noémi, Balázs Andrea, Benedek Zsuzsanna, Boros Anna, Bordás Péter, Demény Klaudia, György Boglárka, Imre Izabella, László Edina, Mihály Bíborka, Mihály Boróka, Pál Henrietta, Sándor Boglárka, Suciu Dalma, Szikszai Andrea, Szőcs Anita, Toásó Attila és Tófalvi Nóra) and in partnership with Alsó G Pub a YouthBank season opening party was organized on 30th of November. There was an optional, 3 RON entrance fee, and by the end of the night the youthbankers have raised 253 RON. They will use this money to support other youngsters community projecs.

On Monday (the 5th of December) the volunteers have organized the Santa Claus Market. Here they have sold teddy bears, toys, packed books and sweets which have been collected from the schools of the city. By the end of the day they raised 330 RON. The YouthBank volunteers will try to sell the remaning toys and books at the Christmas Fair, but they would like to donate some of them to orphanages as well.