Several high-school student has shown interest to join the voluntary program. Last week the new coordinator and two other volunteers from last year have kept interviews, so they could meet personally the applicants.

In 2016/2017 20 high-school studenst will flourish in YouthBank program. For 16 youngsters this will be the first time and there are 4 people from the previous year. The members are formed by the students of 4 high-schools from Odorheiu Secuiesc: Tamási Áron Secondary School, Benedek Elek Pedagogic School, Baczkamadarasi Kis Gergely Calvinist School and Kós Károly Technical College.

Ágnes Mihaly, the new program coordinator says that the new team is not only great in numbers, but the applicants are smart, motivated and spirited. She thinks that the succes of this year will not depend on the attitude of the team.

The youthbankers will try to raise a fund by organizing different events. The fund will be used to support teams formed by high-school stundents who have great ideas. There will be organized several fundraising community events, so the inhabitants can follow the activity of the YouthBank.

We need your help to have a succesful year: search for the YouthBank logo in the city!