Ágnes Mihály

Ágnes Mihály

We are launching the 8th edition of our YouthBank program. We are waiting for those teenagers between the age of 14 and 18 who would like to work in team and to do something for their community.

Ágnes Mihály, the new project coordinator is waiting for the applications. Ágnes had finished her studies in 2015 at the Faculty of Letters in Cluj-Napoca, then she had been living in Scotland for a year. She is very determined to start this season of the YB.

Ágnes’s and the youthbankers’s aim will be to raise a fund with their fundraising ideas. Then they will support those teams of youngsters who will have a great project idea which will improve the community. If you would like to be a volunteer in the YB team send your CV and a brief motivation letter to the agnes@szka.org email address until 9th October 2016.