The winner of the second You Choose grantmaking program in this year are „Cserkészpajtás”, Association, the „Szorgos Ifjoncok” Association, and the „Pro Minoribus” Association. The amount of the financial support is 2680 eur.

Ten NGOs took part in this program. The Community Card holders had the chance to vote on their personal favorite from these projects. In the last two weeks arrived 4,146 votes. „Cserkészpajtás”, Association won with 874 votes, the „Szorgos Ifjoncok” Association with 712 votes and the „Pro Minoribus” Association with 545.

Winner ONG’s Activity The project’s aim
„Cserkészpajtás” Association youth education tents, kitchen tools, mattresses
„Szorgos Ifjoncok” Association out-of-school education for the children of next villages: Beta, Dobeni, Taietura raw materials for handicraft activities
„Pro Minoribus” Association day care children’s development story-books, toys