Our program Build your future! is on the track: participants have finished Module III which offered basic marketing information. After acquiring theoretical information young participants took part on several seminars part of the business incubator program. On 17. February László Tankó, financial economist was invited to talk about corporative culture and leadership. His presentation will be followed on 26. February by  one given by Csaba Haider, and on 4 March by two practical presentations held by Kiss Emőke Klára and Simon Szilárd.

Csaba Haider, specialist in fund accessing will speak about his ongoing projects, and the last two speakers are t ogive practical guidance on the area of design and marketing.

Before the start of Module IV concerning business sustainability between 19-25 March three students and a team leader will participate on the international meeting of the program at Torino, where all partner countries of the program will be represented.