22 of May was the deadline of application to our Financing Program concerning children and junior sport activities: Kis Góbé Fund.  To the above mentioned date a number of 10 organizations applied for our financial support.

Applications were analyzed by an evaluation committee formed of 3 members.

This recently launched program offered many novelties for us; we were pleasantly surprised by the great variety of sporting activities going on in Odorheiu Secuiesc and its neighborhood. Besides sport taken as a form of leisure or hobby, we can also be proud of good results on regional or even national level.

During the process of project evaluation it became clear, that the  50 000 RON budget allocated for the project would not cover the cost of all the competing projects, but all of them are great initiatives, so there were decide to reduce the project’s budget in that way to don’t affect the successfully implementation of them.

Through the Kis Góbé Fund we offer financial support of 50.181,56 RON to the following projects:

  • Dr. P. Boros Fortunát Fundation
  • Fejér Sport Club
  • Hargita County Hockey Association
  • Karate Sport Club
  • Pro Lövéte Association
  • Septimia Sport Club
  • Odorheiu Secuiesc Football Club Association
  • Tusa Sport Club Association
  • Vasas Femina Football Club
  • Vendor Sport  Club Association

The financial supporters of the program, Merkúr the chain of Seklerland’s Supermarkets and the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation announce their intention to continue supporting the activities of NGOs dealing with children’s sport in the following year as well.