To the first call for proposal of the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation’s Good Idea fund were received 10 applications. The evaluation committee made the next decision:

Supported projects

No Applicant Project Title Requested Fund Awarded Grant
 1. Areopolis Floorball Association Riding with floorball school!  5000  5000
 2. Cserkészpajtás Association Scout Camp  4825  4428
 3. Pro Down Foundation The paper’s new life – paper recycling  4999  3500
 4. Szekler Teker
(initiative group)
Cycling School – cycling education and safety cycling  4190  3200
 5. Vulticulus Geographical Association Promoting biking and the biking trail in Feliceni 2272,14  2272,14
 6. Why NAT? Association Treasure hunt on bike!  4974  4974

The total funding provided by the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation is 23,374.14 lei (5312 euro).

We wish you good luck!