Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation started to deal with environmental issues in May 2014. The result of a participatory planning process and several group meetings is the working group called: Livable Odorhei. Among other OSCF wants to support the achievement of the goals of this group with this funding program.

The overall objective of this grantmaking program is to develop an active community with healthy, responsible and conscientious living in its environment.

Operational program-goals are:

  • fostering environmental education and taking more time in the nature;
  • raisin awareness of our nature’s values;
  • stimulating cycling in the city;
  • increase the number of active citizens with a healthy life;
  • stimulate creative processing of waste;
  • reducing waste production.

We are waiting creative ideas from individuals, initiative groups and NGOs from Odorheiu Secuiesc.

The total value of the Fund: 23.000 LEI (5230 EUR)

Deadline for submission the applications is 20 April 2015.

Applications will be evaluated by an evaluation committee composed of environmental experts, local entrepreneurs and a representative from OSCF.